It is with great pleasure that we announce the second event of the Brussels DH seminars series, co-organized by the VUB and the ULB, with the following seminar that will take place on May 26, 2021:
Robert Gramsch-Stehfest (University of Jena): “Networks of political and clerical actors in the Middle Ages: new insights in medieval history with the help of digital methods”
Considered the current situation related to the spread of Covid-19, for 2020 the seminar will take the form of a webinar, hosted on the platform Teams. The participation is free but registration is needed: please send an email to and before May 24. A link will then be sent to access the Teams meeting.
„L’historien de demain sera programmeur ou il ne sera plus.“ – “The historian of tomorrow will be a programmer or he will not be at all.” In 1968, the famous French historian Emanuel LeRoy Ladurie made a provocative prediction, which is today more current than ever before. New digital tools and methods change the traditional workflow of historical research. One of these methods is the Social Network Analysis, which has experienced a considerable upswing in historical research during the last years. The talk will discuss some methodological aspects and it will introduce into some recent research studies in this field. A special emphasis will also be put on the question, how we can gather the data required for network studies in a more efficient way. Our vision for the future is the development of a Collaborative Open Research Environment for the Humanities („Core-H“) which will support the process of historical research in its whole extent.
The seminar will take place during lunch time, from 12:00 to 13:30.