The DH seminar series co-organised by the ULB and the VUB is about to start! For the second semester, we will have the opportunity to attend three interesting talks:
- Wednesday 21st April 2021: Ludovica Marinucci (Semantic Technology Laboratory, CNR Italy), Implicit biases in human and artificial intelligence, 12h - 13h30
- Monday 17th May 2021: Laura Folica (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Modernity through Literary Translation in Periodicals, 11h - 12h30
- Wednesday 26th May 2021: Robert Gramsch (University of Jena), Networks of political and clerical actors in the Middle Ages: new insights in medieval history with the help of digital methods, 12h - 13h30
Considered the current situation related to the spread of Covid-19, for 2021 the seminars will take the form of a webinar, hosted on the platform Teams. The link to join the meeting will be provided each time upon (free) registration. For any question, you can get in tocuh with andrea.penso@vub.be
Stay tuned for further details!